Processing Data - V1

  1. Make a transcript of every interview on either notion / google docs
  2. Divide it among your teammates.
    1. Each member should go through his portion of transcripts quickly , making short marginal notes on patterns, key quotes, or whatever seems interesting.
    2. These notes can be in the form of labels**, questions, hypothesized solutions**
    3. The group should then reconvene and present each interview as a case study. Present a bit background about the individual, then page through your marginal notes and pick out the provocative high lights.
    4. Create post it notes that summarizes the key points of that interview. (Each case study will take about an hour on average)
    5. Group the accumulated stickies. You can start with the categories from your topline.
    6. Note : presentation might take long for the first few interviews then get quicker since some findings are repeated

Processing Data - V2

1. Familiarize yourself with the Data

Start by transcribing your data and reading through it. If you are in explorative study, transcribe everything. If you are in descriptive, only transcribe the parts that are relevant to your questions.

2. Generating Initial Codes

You assign codes to your data.

A code is a brief description of what is being said. Its not an interpretation.

You can give your data multiple codes. If your study is explorative, the themes depends on the data but if it is deductive, you are actively searching for your already listed out themes from the data. (so look at your stakeholder themes when you are doing coding)

3. Sort your codes into Themes

Code → Identifies interesting information in your data

Themes → Broader and active interpretation of the codes.

  1. Start by looking at your list of codes and associates text
  2. Try to collate these codes into broader themes that say something about your data