In his role, what are the common challenges he have after switching to remote work?
What are the challenges other people of different roles are facing?
Why are these challenges important to him?
What are the solutions they have tried? Which have worked and which haven't?
What does he wish for?
What are the challenges he faced during remote work?
What do you believe is important for creative collaboration in your design team?
What changes have their companies made after remote working?
As a design leader, what is their biggest pain point?
What tools are their favourite for remote creative collaboration among design teams and why?
How do design leaders determine which tools to adopt in their work process? Do they need approval whenever they want to add new tools for their design team?
What is the most important activity for there to be creative collaboration in design teams?
Check if consent form is signed
To reiterate the consent, all the data recorded in this session will only be shared among this group, the teacher, Lara Federoff and the teaching assistant, Devin Lee Jones.
All of these members agrees to a not disclose any of this data. Any data that we want to share publicly will have to receive the participant's permission first. Any names mentioned will not be disclosed. The participant have the right to stop the interview anytime. The interview is fully consensual. They also have the right to request for deletion of any data collected during this interview even after it is over.
Request for them to turn on video camera if they haven't
This interview will take from 30 minutes to maximum 45minutes as requested. Isabel will be helping us time check along the way so it doesn't go over as promised.